Reveal JS Cookbook

A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML.


  1. Install Node.js (4.0.0 or later)
  2. Clone the repository
    git clone
  3. Install dependencies
    npm install
  4. Start the local server (http://localhost:8000 to view your presentation)
    npm start

    You can change the port by using npm start – –port=8001.


<div class="reveal">
			<div class="slides">

                <!-- Slides are separated by newline + three dashes + newline, vertical slides identical but two dashes -->
                <section data-markdown data-separator="^\n---\n$" data-separator-vertical="^\n--\n$" data-background="#d9d8d8">
                    <script type="text/template">
                        # Install
                        1. Install Node.js (4.0.0 or later) <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
                        2. Clone the repository <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
                        <pre><code class="hljs" data-trim contenteditable>git clone 
                        3. Install dependencies <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" --> 
                        <pre><code class="hljs" data-trim contenteditable> npm install
                        4. Start the local server <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4" --> 
                        http://localhost:8000 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4" --> 
                        <pre><code class="hljs" data-trim contenteditable> npm start
                        # Nested slides
                        > Best quote ever.

                        - [x] item1
                        - [ ] item

                        # Examples
                         ![Sample image](



			// More info about config & dependencies:
			// -
			// -
            Reveal.configure({ slideNumber: true });
				dependencies: [
					{ src: 'plugin/markdown/marked.js' },
					{ src: 'plugin/markdown/markdown.js' },
					{ src: 'plugin/notes/notes.js', async: true },
					{ src: 'plugin/highlight/highlight.js', async: true, callback: function() { hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad(); } }

Using Reveal in github

Marcus Baw Medium Blog

  1. Create a new GitHub repo with the presentation name
  2. git clone this repo to a suitable local directory
  3. Get a blank reveal.js presentation from reveal releases
  4. In the GitHub settings for that repo, you need to enable GitHub Pages and select the master branch.
Written on August 6, 2018