Link Search Menu Expand Document

Command Line


Text Input in the Revit toolbar.


/// <summary>
/// Text Box Event handler
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="args"></param>
public void MyTextBoxEnter(object sender, TextBoxEnterPressedEventArgs args)
    UIDocument uiDoc = args.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
    Document doc = uiDoc.Document;

    Autodesk.Revit.UI.TextBox textBox = sender as Autodesk.Revit.UI.TextBox;

    string message = textBox.Value.ToString();

    if (message.StartsWith("open"))
    caseSwitch = "openView";

    switch (caseSwitch){
        case "default":
        MessageBox.Show(textBox.Value.ToString(), "Command Line");
        case "openView":
        Helpers.OpenView(uiDoc, message);


open S-101 -> open the sheet S-101

*Structural Framing -> select all structural framings in the active view.

*Structural Framing+Length>10000 -> select all structural framings in the active view longer than 10m.

*Walls+Mark=aa -> select all walls with a Mark equal to ‘aa’

sheets: all -> select all Sheets

sheets: A101 A103 A201 -> select Sheets by Sheet Number

tblocks: all -> select all Title Blocks